Current semester courses

Spring 2025

Please note that the language classes can be taken fully online on Zoom or partly on Zoom, partly in person. Please contact the instructor for more information.

I. Dutch Language Courses:

Dutch 1 – Elementary Dutch

Prerequisites: None

In this beginner’s course, students will familiarize themselves with the basics of Dutch: its sounds and spelling, its grammatical structure, and its vocabulary. The class focuses on oral communication with an emphasis on vocabulary: learning words and learning how to use these words. By reading texts and dialogues (and listening to the audio version), students will build their vocabulary. In class they will get the opportunity to practice their newly learned words and phrases. By the end of the semester, students will be able to express themselves in speaking and in writing about a variety of topics, including introducing yourself, time, living, studying, traveling, and talking about present and past situations.

Esmée van der Hoeven, M-W 12-2P + F 1-2P, 5 units.

Dutch 2 - Intermediate Dutch

Prerequisites: Dutch 1 or equivalent

In Dutch 2, students’ knowledge of Dutch vocabulary and grammar will be expanded and put into practice. As in Dutch 1, the focus lies on further developing speaking and writing skills. Each week is dedicated to a theme, which forms the heart of the readings and discussions. Students will be able to engage in conversations in Dutch and write about various topics covered in class. Topics include geography of the Netherlands, the Dutch cuisine, history, painting in the Golden Age, the constitutional monarchy, national holidays and traditions, Vincent van Gogh, and more. Students will conclude this semester by giving a short presentation in Dutch.

Esmée van der Hoeven, M-W 2-4P + F 2-3P, 5 units.

II. Courses in Dutch History, Culture, Linguistics and Literature: (in English)

No course offerings in Spring 2025. Course offerings will resume in Fall 2025.