Fall 2025
Please note that the language classes can be taken fully online on Zoom or partly on Zoom, partly in person. Please contact the instructor for more information.
I. Dutch Language Courses:
Dutch 1 – Elementary Dutch
Prerequisites: None
In this beginner’s course, students will familiarize themselves with the basics of Dutch: its sounds and spelling, its grammatical structure, and its vocabulary. The class focuses on oral communication with an emphasis on vocabulary: learning words and learning how to use these words. By reading texts and dialogues (and listening to the audio version), students will build their vocabulary. In class they will get the opportunity to practice their newly learned words and phrases. By the end of the semester, students will be able to express themselves in speaking and in writing about a variety of topics, including introducing yourself, time, living, studying, traveling, and talking about present and past situations.
Esmée van der Hoeven, M-W 12-2P + F 12-1P, 5 units.
Dutch 110 - Advanced Dutch
Prerequisites: Dutch 2 or equivalent
In this advanced Dutch language course, students will continue to build their vocabulary based on texts dealing with a variety of topics: the history, culture and society of Belgium and the Netherlands, current affairs and discussions, and literature and art. Class revolves around the reading and discussions of texts, and (newly) featured grammar will be discussed along the way. A lot of attention is paid to speaking skills and presentation skills. By the end of the semester, students will have developed their fluency in Dutch to the level of an advanced speaker. The course is open for students who successfully completed Dutch 1 and 2 (or have an equivalent level).
Esmée van der Hoeven, M-W-F 2-3P, 4 units.
II. Courses in Dutch History, Culture, Linguistics and Literature: (in English)
DUTCH 24 Studying Abroad
This 1-unit freshman seminar explores all study abroad opportunities that UC Berkeley offers to its students. It answers questions about what can be gained by studying abroad and how to make it part of one’s undergraduate education at Cal. It focuses on how to develop a study abroad plan that suits academic and personal interests. Students also learn about different program options, how to select a program, application procedures, financial aid, and making the most of the study abroad experience after returning to the Berkeley campus. This is the ideal course to prepare yourself for a study abroad experience and to learn, explore, and grow in a globalizing world.
Jeroen Dewulf, schedule TBA, 1 unit.
DUTCH 171AC From New Amsterdam to New York: Race, Culture, and Identity in New Netherland
This course deals with the early Dutch history of New York, the former New Amsterdam. What would it mean to begin modern American history on the island of Manhattan instead of New England? We intend to question the Anglo-American perspective on the representation of cultural identity, national identity, ethnicity, and race by contrasting the traditional foundation story of the United States with that of the 17th-century Dutch colony on Manhattan. Readings will include historical and ethnographic writings, self-representations of the different ethnic groups, and fictional accounts. All readings and discussion in English. Dutch 171AC satisfies the American Cultures Requirement and the L&S Breadth Requirement for Historical Studies.
Jeroen Dewulf, schedule TBA, 4 units.
DUTCH 166 Anne Frank and After: World War II and the Holocaust in the Netherlands
This course deals with the occupation of the Netherlands by Nazi Germany in World War II and the Holocaust, with a special focus on the Anne Frank's diary. We will discuss literature, film and historiography with a focus on anti-Semitism, collaboration and resistance as well as the postwar discussion on guilt and responsibility. All materials will be in English, no knowledge of Dutch is required. Dutch 166 satisfies the L&S Breadth Requirement for Arts & Literature.
Jeroen Dewulf, schedule TBA, 4 units.